::: Режим движения по карте (Moving Map) ::: Байк, велотуризм, экипировка :::


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[ содержание ]

Режим движения по карте (Moving Map)

See also -  Moving Map Control  Moving Map Menu  Configuration


When your GPS is connected directly to a computer and the GPS is transmitting the NMEA $GPRMC or ($GPGGA and $GPVTG) or ($GPGLL and $GPVTG) sentence OziExplorer can plot your location directly onto the map on screen in real time, this is called "Moving Map". You must have a calibrated map available which covers the position the GPS is transmitting.

For testing it is possible to set your GPS to simulator mode and then specify within the GPS a position where the GPS is located. It is also possible to specify a direction and speed of travel within the GPS. You will need to consult you GPS manual on how to set your GPS into simulator mode. A software simulator is also provided in OziExplorer and details on how to use this are provided below.

Moving Map has the following features.

  • Ability to automatically change maps when your position moves off the current map or across the map "neat lines", requires Moving Map options to be set for each map. The "neat lines" (corner markers) are set up in "Check Map Calibration".

  • OziExplorer can be set to scan for more detailed maps at configured intervals and load a more detailed map if one is available, Note - you do not have to cross the map "neat line" for this to occur.

  • Ability to show the track onscreen and log it direct to a file.

  • Ability to sound and show alarms when approaching waypoints.

  • Ability to sound and show alarms when entering Alarm Zones.

  • Ability to navigate along a predefined route or to a specific waypoint, see Navigation.

Setting up Maps for Use with Moving Map

When you move off the current map OziExplorer will search through the available maps and select a map which can show the GPS position and provides the best scale. If a suitable map cannot be found OziExplorer will wait 15 seconds and search again, then 30 seconds and search again and then 60 seconds between searches.

Maps are setup for Moving Map in the map calibration screen. See the Moving Map Options of the Creating Maps help for details and explanation.

GPS Setup

To use moving map your GPS must output certain NMEA sentences in the 0183 format. The required sentence(s) are :

  • $GPRMC (preferred) or

  • ($GPGGA and $GPVTG) or

  • ($GPGLL and $GPVTG).

Most GPS receivers can output the required sentences but most require configuring. You may need to refer to your owners manual for the method.

Some Garmins have the capability of outputting the required information using the PVT format, this is also supported by OziExplorer and this option is turned on in the Comm Tab in Configuration.

The GPS needs to be connected to the serial port of the PC.

Starting Moving map

If you have everything setup correctly Moving Map can be started by selecting the Start NMEA Communication with the GPS option on the Moving map Menu. Alternatively (and preferred) you can activate the Moving map Control and press the Start button.

If it is working ok you should see some indication on the Status Line at the bottom of the map. See the Status Display section below.

If it is not working as expected see the Trouble Shooting section in the Help Index.

Command Line Parameters

To allow moving map to be automatically started when starting OziExplorer the following command line parameters are available. Note, the / is part of the parameter name.

The following command line parameters can be used when starting OziExplorer

/mmstart - Starts Moving Map (NMEA) communication
/mmcontrol - Shows the Moving Map Control
/navcontrol - Shows the Navigation Control
/gpsfix - Shows the GPS Fix window

example  command lines
oziexp.exe /mmstart /mmcontrol /navcontrol /gpsfix
oziexp.exe /mmstart
oziexp.exe c:\oziexplorer\maps\mymap.map /mmstart /mmcontrol

Note that you can specify a map on the command line but if the GPS position is not on that map or the map has not been specified as available for Moving Map OziExplorer will attempt to find a new map.

Status Display

The status line at the bottom of the screen displays the following.

The left hand panel will show "Moving Map is ON" when you start the NMEA communication. It does not have to be receiving data from the GPS to display this message. The panel will show a <+> symbol which will toggle on and off when actual data is being processed. If you see the plus sign it means the correct data is being received and processed for display on the map, if you do not see the <+> symbol something is not right. If the <+> symbol is not being toggled on and off data is not being processed.

The next panel will display the following, these should be toggled on and off when data is being received.

  • <nmea> when any type of nmea data is being received.

  • <gprmc> if the $GPRMC nmea sentence is being received, other sentences being used have a similar code.

  • <no fix> if the data in the $GPRMC nmea sentence is invalid (no fix or on some GPS units the unit may be being operated in simulator mode).

  • < pvt > if using PVT mode for Garmins which support it.

The right panel displays the position of the GPS.

The time displayed to the right of the position is the time the last position was received, this indicates how old the position fix is.

The Track

The track used by Moving Map is always Track 1. Note that if there is already a track loaded into track 1 and moving map is started the track collected by moving map will be appended to the existing track.

The track is automatically captured and can be displayed by the usual Show/Hide Track Plot button on the button bar.

See the Navigation Tab on the Configuration dialog for setting up the intervals at which the track points are captured and stored. The configuration help has details on this feature. Note - capturing of the track is disabled when the interval is set to zero (0).

The track can be saved and loaded the same as any track, and it can be saved at any time to any name.

The track can be automatically saved to a file mmTrack.plt if the option is turned on in Configuration. The track is always appended to this file even when starting new moving map sessions and the file will keep growing in size. An option is provided on the Moving Map menu to clear this file. The track file mmTrack.plt is a normal OziExplorer track file and can be loaded and displayed on a map as normal. Each moving map session is treated as a separate track segment.

The time collected and stored for a track is the UTC time extracted from the NMEA sentences but the date used is the PC date. This is necessary as not all NMEA sentences provide the date. Note that the time initially used to log track points may be the PC time until a time has been collected from the NMEA sentence.

[ содержание ]

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