[ содержание ]
How it works
The design of OziMC was dictated by how the Mapcreate data files are formatted
and ultimately the way the GPS expects its data.
Basically what OziMC does is allow you to load a scanned raster map (or DRG or BSB)
into OziExplorer and trace over the features (roads,rivers etc) to form a vector map.
The maps on the Mapcreate CDROM for uploading to the GPS are divided into REGIONS, the
regions are arranged as subdirectories on the CDROM and also in the OziMCdata directory
(created by CreateOziMC) on the hard disk and one or more files for each feature are
stored in these directories. These regions are further divided into POLYGONS, for World
Maps these polygons are about 240 kilometres square (but it can vary). There are many
polygons stored in a region file.
The size of the polygons for USA Smart Maps varies depending on the feature
type. For Rural Roads and probably City Streets the polygons are small, about 6Kms square.
For other features they are about 24Kms square.
The resolution of the MapCreate World Maps is 60 metres (approx). This means you
cannot set a point on a GPS map when uploaded to the GPS with a better accuracy than 60
The resolution of the MapCreate USA Smart Maps is 3 metres (approx).
You can only create or edit features for one polygon at a time, this is done to keep
the amount of data in memory to acceptable limits and to fit in with how the Mapcreate
data is arranged. Each polygon is also a self contained unit and does not rely on the data
contained in the polygons which surround it.
After you have created features you can edit these again at any time.
To create or edit features for upload to the GPS you use OziExplorer. Basically you
trace over the roads/rivers on a normal OziExplorer type map using the track creation
features and then OziExplorer can write this track into a data file which the Lowrance
Mapcreate software can use. All this is controlled by the OziMC dialog.
To allow the creating and editing of Map features (roads,rivers etc) OziExplorer uses
the Track create option. To allow this the track creation in OziExplorer has been
enhanced. There is now no limit on the number of track points (previously 3000).
New Track Creation Features
To allow easier editing and creation of Features using the track create option
additional functionality has been added.
Note - Only Track 1 is used for these operations.
There is now an option to append a track from a file to the loaded track.
Because the Features are loaded as normal tracks all the track control operations can be
used. As an example a track collected from the GPS can be appended to the Feature
currently being edited, this then becomes a new road section in the Feature.
A specific block of track points can be set as "Active" by drawing a box
around them with the mouse, use the
button on the Track Control to do this. Press the buton and move the mouse pointer onto
the map, draw a box around some track points, all points within the box will be marked as
All points within a specific track section can be marked as "Active", use the
button on the Track Control to do this.
Press the button and draw a box around 1 or more track points. The first track point found
in the box will be chosen and all track points within the same track section will be
marked as active.
If this button is depressed the all
new trackpoints created from then on will be created in the active state.
Active points can be deleted
or saved
to a file
as a group using other buttons on
the Track Control.
Special keys which can be used when Creating Track Features
For efficient creating of map features the use of these key combinations is essential,
I suggest you print them out or write them down so they are easily seen.
Holding the Alt key down when creating a new track point will automatically
start a new track section.
Holding the Shift key down when creating a new track point will "snap"
onto the closest track point to the point where you clicked.
Holding the Shift & Ctrl keys down together when creating a new track point
will "snap" onto the closest track line to the point where you clicked.
Holding the Shift & Alt keys down together will create a new track section
and "snap" to the nearest track point.
Holding the Shift & Ctrl & Alt keys down together ( need good finger
control) will create a new track section and "snap" to the nearest track line.
These options are also available on the right click menu of "Active" track
Holding the Ctrl key down will allow you to drag the map as usual.
Because features for the GPS maps are just OziExplorer Tracks you can create them as
tracks and save them in files as tracks as well as saving them as OziMC features. You
can also use or append normal tracks as OziMC tracks.
[ содержание ]